Fiscal Year 2025


Michigan Tire Market Development Grant Program

Section 16908(2)(d) of Part 169, Scrap Tires, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA), authorizes the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to issue reimbursement grants for the following:

-- For grants to reimburse the cost of purchase of scrap tires to support the development of increased markets for scrap tires. Only the cost of purchasing scrap tires from Michigan scrap tire processors or other generators of scrap tires in Michigan is eligible for reimbursement. (Cost reimbursement grants are available for 50 percent of the cost of purchasing scrap tires. Reimbursement grants cannot exceed $133.00 per ton.)

-- Cost reimbursement grants are available for up to 50 percent of the cost of purchasing equipment, or for research and development, to provide for a new or increased use of scrap tires.

Research and development is broadly defined as any activity associated with creating new innovations in existing products, services, or procedures or the discovery of new innovations that lead to the creation new products. For the purposes of the Scrap Tire Market Development Grant Program, proposals should identify a viable end market(s) and associated partners working towards a common outcome.

Please review the entire Market Development Grant packet information on the Market Development Grant website.

Attachment A, Grant FSR Form must be included for application to be complete.

Registered Michigan Scrap Tire Processor List

Grant reimbursement is provided through SIGMA, the accounting platform utilized by the State of Michigan. To receive grant reimbursement, grant recipients will need to have a SIGMA vendor self-service (SIGMA-VSS) account. EGLE will work with grant recipients to create a SIGMA-VSS account if an account does not already exist. Applicant must provide contact information (name, phone number and e-mail address) for EGLE to communicate with grant recipients regarding SIGMA accounting and reimbursement.

SIGMA Vendor Self Service Support:

Governmental entities do not need to include a Michigan Corporate ID Number.

--File attachment size is limited to 16 MB. If you have additional information, please send via e-mail to
--EGLE may request additional information to support the application for clarification purposes.
--Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require responses.

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Information.  This information will be used to prepare the grant agreement (contract).  

Question Title

* 2. Applicant Contact (Must be representative of grant, not a consultant.)

Question Title

* 3. Additional Applicant Contact (Optional.  Can be a consultant.)

Question Title

* 4. If grant is awarded please enter the signatory.  This is the person signing the grant agreement (contract).  

Question Title

* 5. Public entities only (municipality, governmental, etc.) Enter Not Applicable if not a public entity.

Question Title

* 6. Provide a brief description of the project. Additional information may be uploaded in Q28. Do not say see application for details.

(Example: Paving Main Street between Center Avenue and State Street with dry process rubber modified asphalt. The project length is 1.0 miles and will utilize 5,000 scrap tires. Project partners are XYZ Paving and ABC University.)

Question Title

* 7. Project Location

Question Title

* 9. Funding requested for (can be more than one category)

Question Title

* 10. How would funding this project increase markets for the use of scrap tires?  (If more space is needed, please attach additional information in Q28.)

Question Title

* 11. Enter the Total amount of grant funding requested.

Question Title

* 12. Enter the amount of match funding committed.  Grantees must provide a minimum of 50% match funding.  

Question Title

* 13. Total project cost (Sum of Q11 and Q12)

Question Title

* 14. Did the applicant receive Scrap Tire Market Development Grant funding for the previous year?

Question Title

* 15. Did the applicant submit more than one application this year?

Question Title

* 16. Is the project a partnership?

Question Title

* 17. List project partners.  (Or enter Not Applicable)

Question Title

* 18. For equipment requests, please provide a short description of equipment and intended use. (Or enter Not Applicable).

Question Title

* 19. Road Type

Question Title

* 20. Number of Cars per Day

Question Title

* 21. Please provide lane miles and lane widths for paving and/or chip seal projects.

Question Title

* 22. What types of testing to be done on rubber modified asphalt or chip seal projects?

Question Title

* 23. Provide a short description of testing and/or research to be done in conjunction with the project.

Question Title

* 24. If applicable, attach additional information regarding testing or research to be done in conjunction with the project.  (Optional, but it is highly recommended that applicants provide information.) 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 25. Number of Tires Used in the Project

Question Title

* 26. Cost per Tire (equals TOTAL cost of project divided by the TOTAL number of tires used)

Question Title

* 27. Upload Attachment A, Grant FSR (Budget).   Applications without grant budget will not be considered complete and will not be reviewed or funded.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 28. Upload any documents, plans, photo, maps, project description, description of equipment to be purchased, or other project information in support of your application.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 29. Upload a project timeline outlining all tasks needed to implement the project. Submission of quarterly and final progress reports and submission of reimbursement requests should be included as a task.

For each task, provide the following information (Attach additional pages as necessary):
  • Name of the task.
  • Beginning date.
  • End date.
  • Group or person responsible for completion of the task.
  • Location of the task.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 30. Eligibility Criteria:

Project is located in Michigan?

Question Title

* 31. If purchasing tires, scrap tires are from Michigan and will be purchased/obtained from a registered Michigan Processor or generator.

Question Title

* 32. Applicant is registered to do business in Michigan or is a Michigan governmental entity.

Question Title

* 33. Applicant is not currently in litigation with the State or any other public entity concerning compliance with Part 169, Scrap Tires, or Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the NREPA, 1994 PA 451, as amended.

Question Title

* 34. Applicant has reviewed all eligibility criteria and evaluation criteria contained in the application packet.

Question Title

* 35. Assurances

Applicant understands that this application is not a guarantee of funding.

Question Title

* 36. Applicant understands that they will be notified of the funding decision via e-mail.  Funds will be dispersed only on a reimbursement basis.  Should Applicant be funded, they agree to submit a complete payment reimbursement request (Request for Reimbursement of Payment form, Invoice(s), Proof of Payment, and updated Budget form) within 90 days of grant activity to

Question Title

* 37. Applicant understands that quarterly reporting and reimbursement requests are required.  Applicant understands that a FINAL report about the project is required.  Reporting details will be shared with successful grantees.

Question Title

* 38. Applicant understands that they must have a FULLY EXECUTED GRANT AGREEMENT OR AMENDMENT in place prior to starting any grant activities.  Grant activities completed before the grant is fully executed will not be reimbursed.  (Fully executed means signed by the Grantee, then signed by EGLE.)

Question Title

* 39. I, the undersigned applicant, swear and affirm, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, that the statements contained herein are true and correct and that the removal, transportation, storage, and disposal of scrap tires will be performed in accordance with the requirements of Part 169.  I certify under penalty of law that the information contained on this form, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, accurate, and complete.  I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.